Science-Art-Philosophy Lab

Personalized Medicine: Bioethical and Philosophical Challenges


Science Art Philosophy Lab or SAP Lab is an innovative, experimental and interdisciplinary laboratory created within the Center for the Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon (CFCUL) in which philosophy is called to deeply intertwine with science and art. More than just a meeting point between scientists and artists, something which already exists in several Sci-Art centres, SAP Lab aims at integrating the work of scientists and artists with the conceptual analysis which philosophy is prepared to provide. SAP Lab is a place where philosophers are asked to act not just as external critical observers but to reinvent their work through an inner, innovative experimentation with scientists and artists. Taking philosophy as a creative work of elaboration of concepts open to the outside of philosophy we aim that new conceptual problems coming from the deep relation between philosophy, Science and Art emerge in the Sap-Lab: Science and Art experiment the active character of Philosophy as a dynamic conceptual catalyser to the new theoretical problems which defy their work; in parallel, philosophy is challenged through the experimental connection with science and art.

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Science-Art-Philosophy Lab (SAP Lab) will be organized as follows:

1) a series of regular SAP Lab residencies where scientists, philosophers and artists will develop their research in a context of deep interdisciplinary work-in-progress,

2) a SAP Lab Permanent Seminar where a regular conceptual and accurate analysis of all the work occurring at the residencies will be developed,

3) a SAP Lab Digital Platform working as a virtual forum for discussion, as well as a documental archive,

4) a series of Biennale SAP Lab exhibitions, the "Science-Art-Philosophy Biennale", a major event linking scientists, philosophers and artists all over the world, and

5) SAP Lab International Conferences.

Another SAP Lab task will be the reinforcement and amplification of the "Lisbon Center for Image in Science and Art " (CISA) an innovative online platform (, aiming to recover and put together scientific and artistic images in order to look for their affinities, differences, proximities or divergence.

Another focus of attention will be given to the experimental, interdisciplinary work on the concept of Territory. Coming from ethological and geological context, it is a powerful device for clarifying the anthropological and epistemological dimensions of the creation process in philosophy, science and art. Several approaches will be worked out, namely diagrammatic practices, land-art and map -art as well as the new configuration of the world produced by the current globalization process, from the cartographic representation of the Earth to the electro-numeric image of the Globe.

Research Team

Ana Gaspar
Adalberto Fernandes
Ana Paula Suarez
Catarina Pombo Nabais
Cristina Azevedo Tavares
David dos Santos
Graça Corrêa
João Duarte
Lucília Pinho
Maria Estela Jardim
Pedro Caldas
Pedro Farinha Gomes
Sara Fuentes Cid

CFCUL Collaborators

Alexander Matthias Gerner
Ana Figueiredo
Ana Teresa Bígio
Diogo Silva da Cunha
João L. Cordovil
João Pinheiro
José Félix Costa
José Marmeleira
José Nunes Ramalho Croca
Maria João Brilhante
Nuno Carvalho
Nuno Nabais
Olga Pombo
Pedro Salgado
Tiago Pereira

External Collaborators

Agapi Dimitriadou
Ana Nobre
Andrea Pinnoti
Andreia Tocha
Athanasia Vidali
Bela Silva
Bernardo Mendonça
Bruno Santos
Carlos Fragateiro
Carlos Ramos
Carolina Lapa
Caroline Challan Belval
Claude Imbert
Chris Robinson
Dalila Honorato
Dulce Courelas
Eric Guichard
Francesco Giarrusso
Frederik Stjernfelt
Gabriela Salazar
Maria Giulia Dondero
Ingebrog Reichle
Joana Ricou
José Luis Garcia
Porfirio Silva
Rui Malhó
Rasmus Slaattelid
Luciano Boi
Luis Graça
Margarida Lopes Grilo
Maria Antonia González Valerio
Maria Xavier
Marianne Strapatsakis
Marta de Menezes
Raquel Melo Morais
Rita Machado
Rob Kessler
Sebastião de Bottom
Sergio Azevedo
Susana Sequeira
Tatiana Arquizan
Vanessa Vadagliacca
Veronica Fabrini